Weight Loss For Men Over 40

Weight Loss for Men Over 40: Strategies for Success
Losing weight can be a challenging journey for anyone, but it can become even more difficult as men reach their 40s. This is because the body undergoes significant changes in metabolism and hormone production, making weight loss a more complex process. However, with the right strategies and mindset, achieving weight loss success is still very much possible. In this article, we will explore the various challenges faced by men over 40 when it comes to weight loss and learn effective strategies to overcome them.

Raise Your Standards!

It’s gonna be short and sweet today, the 15th May 2023…
…but that doesn’t mean it won’t hit hard!
We all get what we tolerate in life.
Let that sink in for a bit.
Try that on for your mental size

46.8lbs in 16 Weeks?!

46.8lbs in 16 weeks!
What a result from my man, Nesh Hassan
He very kindly hopped on Zoom to say a few words about his time in the programme.

Who’s The Daddy?

“I’m trying to give up sexual innuendos, but it’s hard. So hard”
– Someone –
The body is governed by several hormones, which can either help or hinder you on your weight loss journey. Having a reasonable level of understanding of these hormones will be very beneficial for you. Let’s start with the king himself…

Alcohol & Fat Loss: Can it Work?

Most people like and enjoy the odd glass of alcohol now and then, but few of us would argue that it’s the most conducive habit when it comes to health and fitness.
That said, you could drink alcohol and still lose body fat, but more on that in a minute.

HEALTH = True Wealth

As I get older, I realise the true value in life.
The trappings of success we all chase are just illusions.
I’m not saying “don’t aim high”
I am, and I’m not where I want to be.

My Top 5 Daily Supplements

I use 5 supplements daily.
Here’s why YOU probably should too…
Supplements – the clue is in the name.
They ‘supplement’ a great diet & lifestyle.