Almost done...Please fill out the form below so we can prepare for your appointment.Who Are You? Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full name *Single Line TextTask: I want you to write me a story of your life, in one paragraph. It will be guided with the following subheadings so make some notes before you write this. Try to make the paragraph a description of a character in a movie about your life. You will describe the character as you mentally see that character (you). Be very specific to the small details like hair, eyes, skin etc.1. What exercise did you do before 15 years old? *2. What exercise did you do after 15 years old? *3.How did you used to eat when you were younger? What were your eating habits? Good/bad/Healthy etc *4. How do you eat now? *5. In 3 words, how would you describe your job? *6. What are your top 3 morals/values in life? *7. Describe to me your life dreams? *8. What are the most important things in your life? *9. What is your favourite animal and why? *10. Lifestyle habits: Alcohol, smoking, sleep, drugs, addictions etc? *11. What makes you really happy in life? *12. What makes you sad in life? *13. What stresses you out? *14. List your top 3 strengths? *15. List 3 things you could be better at? *16. List one moment in your life when you achieved a big goal or when you achieved success? *17. What are you damn good at in life? (Not work related) *Character Description: (with the aid of the above write your description below) *Read it back. *Write down how it feels. What do you like? What would you like to change?Congrats!It's not easy writing out shizzle like this for some. But as always, if you play out to the best of your ability, you get the most back. If you are reading this section and you haven't completed the questions, do yourself a favour and just do it. It will be worthwhile, I promise. See you on our week 6 coaching call. Gav 🙂Submit